Author name: rosie.russell



The torch is lit,activating wit,pain seeps in,as memories come clear.Signs from the air,manifest and appear,in broad daylight,so obvious and near.A magnetic force,empowers the light,guiding heart,under shadows of dark.A strength from within,as the burden gets shared,lifting weight,as fear strangles care.Push past the pain,seeing signs in all places,oh child,the way is so clear.Facing hate,they act in the […]



Water, crashes on a sunny shore,with reminders,of feelings once before.Thick skin,holds the pain,for rainbows, after rain.Smiling, hiding heart, broken pages, from the start.An awakening, fills the soul,feeding, true love’s goal.A painful vision, of real divine,casts a beam, on beauty and time.In light shines, as darkness fades,old wounds rise,to be cast away.



Whizzing,around,whee whee whee,are you hereor thereor maybe home bound?Missing the point, or direction,I point.A fission of dreams,formulate into being.It’s all just luck,a drop in the hat,that I wear on my head,and walk like a cat.Prowess, and poise, seeing nothing but air,I follow the wind,breathing out all my cares.Run free little mind,you’ll land somewhere,that’s sure to



A wise woman once said,it’s all in your head,the love and the light and the heart,channels itself through art,to become an inspiration,for a newfound nation, that reaches within,for wisdom to begin.



11/22/2024 Earlier this week, while attending the Minnesota Groundwater Association’s annual conference, I was struck by the many ways in which groundwater can impact our lives. From drinking water, to irrigation, to calcareous fens, to Coca Cola, water flashed through my mind. I saw it being sucked like a straw through large pipes and tubes,


Serving Care and Compassion, food justice for elders?

A mini diary of my experience working as a food aid at the Good Samaritan Society in Stillwater, MN November 9, 2023 Today was my first day training as a food aid at the Good Samaritan Society, an elder care facility. I remember my interview a couple of weeks ago, October 23rd. To be honest,



The clouds move like time,ever-changing, with wind, rain, and magnetic fields in the sky.Wrapped up,floating on a calm, sunny day,or lifted up and carried away so quickly to a new destination that time becomes a mystery after all.A mystery to us all.But knowing makes us realize we know nothing at all,or simply, that there remains


Blown away

Approaching the flat horizon,vast fields surround us.The rich, malleable land, exposed by the till. A smokey cloud plumes, over the hazy view,while the April wind howls,and the land lifts skyward. Up, up, and away, goes our sweet Iowa topsoil. There goes our independence, and our future’s fortune too.



Yellow lemons and bananas,fill the pewter bowl,reminding us,to feed our soul,in the aftermath,of a life gone so soon,twelve roses turn purple,under the waning moon.


Up from Below

Life Prevails,up from below.From decaying deatha shroom does grow.From a discarded carcass,a cozy collar will go.From an unwanted jacket,a new story to sew.The natural cycle of life,up from below.

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